Sunday, January 13, 2008

Our last day . . . for a while

Thursday was our last time to go to Gymboree for a while. Landry is already screwing things up for Camden! I'm too big and uncomfortable to chase him around right now, and I'll be out of commission (Gymboree-wise, anyway) for several weeks after Landry gets here. We put our membership on hold until I'm back in the swing of things. Sigh. Camden really enjoys it, so I'm feeling pretty guilty about taking it away from him. Luckily, he won't remember, so he can't hold it against me. Here are some pictures of Camden and Blake playing.

Camden really likes to try to chew Gymbo's nose off.
Baby soccer - which REALLY wears a pregnant lady out quickly.
He loves the bubbles!
And he loves shaking the parachute (and flirting with Bre).

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