Friday, February 29, 2008

More pictures

I promised some more pictures today. Unfortunately, I don't have the time or energy for captions. Maybe later?

Monday, February 25, 2008

RSVP, anyone?

Hey everyone! I notice that several of you locals haven't RSVP'd for Camden's party yet. We're working on getting the food ordered, so if you don't mind letting us know if you'll be here or not we'd appreciate it greatly. We'd hate for any of you to be hungry on Saturday!

Monday pictures

Here are a few pictures from our day.

**Please excuse the girlie part diagram in the picture of Landry with Dr. Pineda.

Sunday, February 24, 2008

Mr. Independent

Camden had carrots as part of his lunch today. Apparently he decided his daddy didn't feed him enough, because I found him on the floor feeding the rest of them to himself after he had his bottle. While it is impressive that he can use a spoon properly, his ability to make a HUGE mess is not so impressive! He even got carrots on Abigail.

Not such a hit

I got the shoes on Camden this afternoon. It took a while to get them on him, but he was really good about letting me do it. HOWEVER, once I put him on the ground he sat down and starting hitting his feet. He was pretty mad for the first few minutes, but eventually got a little used to them.

Happy 1 month, Landry!

On one hand it's hard to believe Landry is already a month old, but on the other hand it seems like all that stinking NICU business was forever ago. It's crazy how our minds work like that!

Goodbye 32, Hello 33

Yesterday I said goodbye to what was definitely the best year of my life, and today I say hello to all the wonderful things 33 will bring! I have to say that I'm a little sad to see 32 go, but I'm excited to see what's next!
We went out last night to celebrate my getting older. Adam, Michelle, Danny and Shonda joined us. We sat at the chef's table at The Mabry House and then went to The Cub. The chef's table is quite an experience. It took us 3 hours to eat dinner. They do a really good job of throwing all sorts of yummy food and wine at you, and of course they don't tell you the cost of any of it. We were hoping to see a few "Hell's Kitchen" moments, but everyone in this kitchen seemed to have their stuff together. I think the chef cussed once when whomever was in charge of dishing the sorbet didn't do it quick enough. The food was absolutely phenomenal. I ate a few things I wouldn't normally eat, but I think that had a lot to do with the fact that they kept the drinks flowing. We had a huge assortment of meats: quail, duck, lamb, steak, mahi mahi, veal and crab. And escargot. The snail wasn't bad, it's just the whole idea of eating a slug kind of turned me off. I also ate partially cooked tuna, which was actually very good. Blake ate the tuna, but he refused to try the snail. I can understand why. I was just feeling a little brave (liquid courage, maybe?). It was a really cool experience.
We had a wonderful evening out, and when we got home we actually got to sleep all night! Nana and Chappy stayed with the kiddos and Nana took care of Landry ALL NIGHT LONG. It was really nice. Thanks, Nana and Chappy!
I think today I'm going to celebrate my day by going to the grocery store! Back to reality . . .

Saturday, February 23, 2008

Camden's first pair of Chucks

Aren't these adorable? We bought these today as part of our quest to find a pair of shoes Camden can't kick off his feet. Blake figured high tops were the best way to go until he gets used to the idea that shoes are intended to stay on his feet.

Friday, February 22, 2008

Thursday, February 21, 2008


It's 10 o'clock and my house is completely silent except for the clicking of my nails on the keyboard (and the occasional muffled snore of my sweet husband). I've been reading mommy blogs of women who have recently given birth to No. 2 and I feel that it is somewhat of a duty to tell you how amazingly blessed I feel. First, I know that I could not do this alone. I have a wonderful husband and an absolutely awesome support system, consisting of not only a terrific family (both sides), but also many close friends - some who are mothers and some who are not. I am very thankful for you all, even if I don't say it nearly as often as I should. Second, I know (with every fiber of my being) that there's no way I'd still be sane if Camden weren't such a truly amazing, easy going, sweet-natured child. I really believe his sweet little smile could heal even the worst of days. Landry does what babies do, which is definitely capable of frustrating the hell out of me and leaving me drained, but looking into her precious little eyes (when she's happy, of course) somehow erases all signs of frustration and fatigue. I am not experiencing the excruciatingly difficult days that I have been reading about, and for that I will be eternally grateful. I know that as Landry becomes more alert and as Camden becomes mobile on two feet instead of all fours we will have new challenges, but I can honestly say that there have been a hundred times more positives than negatives in these first 4 weeks. I'm sure I don't deserve it, but I sure do appreciate every minute of it!

Wednesday, February 20, 2008

Just for my benefit

I just wanted to document the recent interaction between Camden and Landry and some of Camden's latest developmental milestones - mostly so I'll remember the stuff when I finally get around to getting baby books current.
Several days ago Camden started leaning in and touching his forehead to ours when we ask him for a kiss. I asked him to give Landry a kiss yesterday, and sure enough, he leaned toward her, touched his head to hers and then tried to pull her ear off! He also doesn't really like Landry to have her pacifier in her mouth. He tries to get it every time, and usually ends up with a finger in her eye during the extraction. He checks the bassinet after every nap to see if she's in it. I found him reaching through the slats this afternoon touching her. I think he was going for the pacifier again. I guess he's finally figuring out that she's one of us, but he sometimes still gets a little tickled when she's been still and then suddenly moves around on one of us.
If Camden is tired when it's time to feed Landry he loses his mind wanting her bottle or wanting me. When he's well-rested he crawls into his bedroom or ours and plays with his toys and pays us no attention at all. He's also figured out that when she cries I'm going to go check on her, so he likes to intercept me and beg to be picked up. Holding two babies, one of which is just a little rag doll, is kind of tricky sometimes. Fortunately no one's ended up on their heads yet!
He's still saying "good" - sometimes it has a D and sometimes it doesn't. He started saying "boo" a couple of weeks ago and said "hush" earlier today after I told one of he dogs to hush. He's been clapping after we sing the first line of "if you're happy and you know it", but yesterday I just told him to clap his hands and he did it! I was very excited that he understood me without me having to use the song to clue him in. He still does the sign for light religiously. We're working on the signs for book and more right now. We've got to get our money's worth out of those Baby Signs classes!
He's been accidentally standing on his own for a few seconds lately. He'll pull up on something and get distracted with something in his hands or clapping and let go. Where he used to immediately fall on his butt, he's now got a more controlled let down when he realizes he's not holding onto anything.
I'm sure there's more, but that's all my sleep-deprived brain can come up with right now.

Because it wouldn't be right if he weren't keeping me on my toes . . .

Lever door handles are a real problem around here lately. "Buy door knob covers", you say? I guess we'll have to, but the covers for lever handles are $8.95 each! I suppose cleaning up the pantry might be a cheaper option!

Tuesday, February 19, 2008

How cute are these?

It was kind of sad to order these with a toddler head on Camden instead of a baby head. And I'm sure I've got a little prejudice, but I think everything's cuter with a redhead in it these days!

I blocked out part of my address just in case I have any obsessed blog fans out there! (ha!)

Check out these cheeks!

Family picture day

We went for our family pictures/naked baby pictures this morning. I tried to take a picture of Landry in her pretty day gown when we got home. She was less pissed in this one than any of the others, so it made the cut. Imagine her with a peaceful look on her face! Both of the kids were awesome for the photos. Camden didn't have his morning nap, but did very well in spite of it all. Landry was wide awake the entire time, so we should have plenty of pictures of her with her peepers showing.

Monday, February 18, 2008

Saturday, February 16, 2008

Landry's newest friend

Meet Caroline Elizabeth! My good friend Anne Marie and her husband Brett welcomed their new baby girl into the world on Valentine's Day. She was a WHOPPING 9 pounds, 5 ounces and 20.5 inches long. She joins big brother Alex, who turns 1 today! (See, we're not the only crazy people in the world!) We're very excited about our newest friend and wish the Schoonovers lots of luck (and sleep and patience) with their new addition!

Friday, February 15, 2008

Service with a smile!

My cousin Jennifer sent this to me today. She had an exceptionally bad day at work and found it fitting. It kind of reminds me of how I felt yesterday when Camden was so tired he was losing his mind and Landry was screaming at me because I wasn't warming her bottle fast enough.

Wednesday, February 13, 2008

Add this to the list of meddling

Blake lost a magazine yesterday. I tried to tell him Camden didn't like all that car crap!

Making progress

Aidan is really getting to be a big boy! It seems like he's finally decided that Camden's not a human punching bag after all. When he and Haley left this afternoon he kept inviting Camden to go home with them. He'd say "go with me Cam-en". It was very cute!
(Camden's wearing the bunny ears that Haley brought for Landry [Minnie Pearl style with the tag hanging].)

You gotta smack 'em when they don't listen, right?

Come on, I didn't really hit him! Camden slept on his hand yesterday, apparently for quite a lengthy period of time. It looks like someone clocked him with an open fist though, doesn't it?

Monday, February 11, 2008

Some pictures from the past two weeks

Daddy and his midgets (or little people, to be PC)
Camden's hand is almost the size of Landry's head

We don't look so good in the mornings

Aunt Lissa, Uncle Chad and Landry

Pop and Landry

Cousin Brooke and Camden

Brooke, her fiance Pat and the kiddos

Brooke and Pat trying to figure Landry out

Aunt Haley and Landry
Uncle Chad and Landry

First big girl bath
Camden riding his little car
Landry and Aunt TK
Landry and Peyton
Camden and Aunt TK

Daddy and his babies
Nana and Landry
Chappy and Landry
Danielle and Landry