Sunday, August 30, 2009

Our baby is three months old!

Little Owen turned three months old on Friday. These past few months sure have flown by! He got to meet and visit with lots of family Friday night that he hadn't met before.

He's cooing up a storm these days. He's still very laid back and is a very easy-going baby. He's been sleeping through the night since he was five weeks old, which is very much appreciated around here!

We go on Tuesday for his three month well baby check and I'll post his latest stats soon.

Monday, August 24, 2009

19 month old eyebrows!

Landry Lou turned 19 months old today. (I'm impressed that this is actually getting posted on the correct day!) I got some pretty good shots of what are known around here as her Trouble Eyes. Just about every time I tell her to smile she cranks down her eyebrows and says "cheese", so it's hard to capture her big, beautiful smile these days. She's talking up a storm, but isn't scared to pitch a fit when we don't immediately understand what she's saying. She's got the basics down, and likes to list the names of people in the room or car with her. Camden is known as "bro-er", Owen is either "Oweee" or baby, and Christine is still "Dideen". It's amazing how different her little personality is from Camden's. She's got a quick temper, an infectious laugh and is cuddly as can be - when it's her idea. She's still not putting up with much crap from Camden, but is slowly learning how to share. Our biggest fights each day are about who stole what from whom, so learning to share is definitely an ongoing process around here.

She's unbelievably adorable, and that keeps her out of a lot of trouble around here!

Wednesday, August 12, 2009

All my children

The "big boy" bed

We broke Camden's crib down on Sunday and put him in his big boy bed - finally! He's done pretty well in it. We put a TV with a DVD player in his room in the hopes that it would make him want to stay in his room. We have several episodes of him coming out right after we put him down at night, but after a few trips back to bed he eventually stays put. We've been setting the sleep timer on the TV, so after 30-45 minutes it cuts off and he rolls over and goes to sleep - just like a big boy. We're very proud of him for handling the transition so well!

Thursday, August 6, 2009

Statistics: Owen's 2 month and Landry's 18 month

Landry and Owen had well-baby check ups today. Owen had to get three shots, but Landry was spared this go 'round. As we figured, he was not a fan at all. Here are their respective stats:


Height: 22 inches (15th percentile)

Weight: 10 pounds, 15 ounces (25th percentile)

Head: 15.75 inches (50th percentile)
At 2 months Camden was 12 pounds, 1 ounce, 23 inches tall with a 15.75 inch head circumference (50th percentile for all). Landry was 11 pounds, 5 ounces (75th), 22.5 inches tall (50th) and had a 14.5 inch head circ. (20th).


Height: 32.5 inches (75th percentile)

Weight: 24 pounds, 13 ounces (66th percentile)

Head: 18.75 (85th percentile)

At 18 months Camden was 33.25 inches tall, 28.5 pounds with a 19 inch head circumference. (All 75th percentile)

Monday, August 3, 2009

Owen at 2 months

We were by ourselves most of the week, and this is as good as my extended arm shot gets.

This is what Owen did most of his 2 month day.

And this is how I finally got him quiet.

Owen turned 2 months old when we were in Florida last week. I'm sorry to report that it wasn't a very happy day for him. He quickly got used to being the only child and was none-so-happy every time I got really selfish and decided to put him down so I could do things totally ridiculous like go to the bathroom, put my makeup on, get dressed, etc. He was definitely Pissed Off Baby most of last week. Fortunately, he won't remember it, but he'll have this nice little diary to fill him in one day.
He is really a laid back baby (at home - definitely not in Florida). He started smiling on purpose the week before our trip, and on July 26th he smiled and giggled at us in the mirror. He's laughed a few times since then, also. He rolled from his front to back on the 29th, but I'm sure that was a fluke. He hasn't done that since. I think those are all of his firsts so far. Oh, and the most important thing: he's going overnight without a bottle. He started this around 6 weeks, and it has been FABULOUS. Sometimes he'll wake up around 4, but we're able to reinsert the paci and get him back to sleep until 7ish. This is definitely earlier than the other two, and it's also without the benefit of having rice cereal in his bottle.
We go on Thursday for his 2 month well baby check and shots (as well as for Landry's 18 month check and shots), and we'll see if we're still fattening him up too much. I'll report back with his statistics.

Landry's 1 and a half!

Or at least she was on July 24th. Now I guess she's a few days over that. She's still the prettiest red head in the world! (Sorry to all of you other folks who thought you were the prettiest red head in the world, but it's true.)

She's talking up a storm, but there is still LOTS that is totally greek to us. She has finally gotten back to real kisses. For the longest time she'd let us kiss her on the head, but was totally opposed to the lip kisses. Maybe she heard about the swine flu. She and Camden are huge buddies most of the time. There's lots of playing and sharing and kissing and hugging, but when it gets ugly it gets REALLY ugly. It appears as if they're equally hard-headed. I'm not quite sure where they get that. ;) She definitely doesn't let him push her around.

Sorry for the ridiculously late update. We've been a little bit busy around these parts!