Monday, January 28, 2008

Morning report

We called NICU at 3 a.m. to see how the bottle feeding was going. Landry took 32 ccs (just over an ounce) in 23 minutes at 11 p.m. without getting stressed, but that apparently didn't impress them much. The nurse said it wasn't bad, but it wasn't really all that great either. They tried again at 2 and she took 45 ccs (1.5 ounces) in 10 minutes, but she got the hiccups and it stressed her breathing. The nurse thinks she may be having tummy aches because her poo has been pretty loose and watery, but that could also be from the antibiotics she's been getting. They decided to put a teeny tiny tube in through her nose down into her tummy so they could alternate bottle feeding with tube feeding until she's regulating her breathing better for the bottle feedings. The nurse did say that she's regulating her temperature really well, so they've been able to turn the heat on her bed down. They're still planning to remove the IV line from her belly button today. Hopefully cutting out the antibiotics will solve the poo issue. We'll update more after we see her today.

1 comment:

Karla said...

well, this little lady sounds like a strong one!!! I've been thinking of you all!! I don't want to intrude on your time -- we'll come and play with her when you get her home!!! let me know if I can help in any way!! You know I have coneections in NICU!!!