Friday, January 25, 2008


Good morning. I tried to send a mass-email out last night and it appears that it was sent because I'm getting bounced mail, which means there's a chance I sent it like a thousand times. It kept hanging out in my outbox with windows mail telling me something about the bellsouth server not being able to send it. So basically, if you got it 10 times I'm sorry, and if you didn't get it at all, I'm also sorry. I'd like to blame it all on drugs, but I'm down to Motrin at this point, which I'm pretty sure doesn't cloud my judgment! We're using an Alltel Wireless card for access and it doesn't care for me too much. Or maybe it's just my pictures - who knows!?!
We'll be going up to visit Landry at 7 when the NICU opens for visitors and will give you guys an update. I'm anxious to see how pretty she looks today!

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