Friday, January 25, 2008

Can you say "firecracker?"

Sorry I promised a lot of posts and haven't delivered. We've had a lot of company and I even found time to doze off a couple times.

We just got a pretty good report on Landry. The nurse gave her 10 ccs of water, and because she tolerated that so well she got 10 ccs of breast milk and formula at 2. She'll get another 10 ccs at 5 and if all goes well they'll increase the amount she gets tomorrow. They said they're seeing more respiratory numbers under 100 than they are over 100, which is very reassuring. They expect to see more 90s tomorrow, 80s after that at so on. She might not be all the way in the 60s by the time she goes home, but the pattern should indicate she's heading in that direction. I finally got to change her diaper, which is the most physical interaction we've had with her since they took her from us yesterday. She's already produced twice as much urine today as they wanted her to, which is another way her lungs will continue to clear. We're really glad to finally get some news that isn't "no news is good news".

Earlier today I walked in and she was pitching a big, fat, loud fit. She pulled her nasal cannula out, tried to pull the tube out that goes down into her stomach, and kicked the pulse thingy off her foot. She has quite an attitude to go with her red hair! When I just went back in she was throwing another really large fit. They think that she's wanting a little more than 10 ccs of food at a time. While I hate that she's mad, it sure is good to see some regular baby behavior coming out from behind all those tubes and cords. She's quite a firecracker!


hillary said...

Good news! Hang in there - and take naps! You will wish you had in a couple of days. :-D

Kay said...

Sounds like Landry's exercising her lungs and her rights as "Ruler of the House".
It's so good to hear some good news. I hope you all have a great night and get to spend lots more time with the little fire-cracker!
Aunt Kay

jennifer said...

hi carrie, i hope today gives you more chances to be with your beautiful daughter. my mom was thrilled to hear about the red hair. i'm really relieved to see that things are moving more in the right direction. Everyone's pulling for you guys! i'm late for work! take care!