Thursday, July 31, 2008

His first candy, I think

Maybe he's had candy before, but if he did I don't recall. He loved the bottle pop he had tonight, although I wondered if giving him something that resembles a bottle was a good idea. I guess we'll find out. He would lick it and then let out a hearty "MMMMMMM". What I find most interesting about these pictures is the fire on his belly. I suppose he was in just the right spot for the sunlight to make crazy fire-looking stuff on him.

If you ask for bubbles . . .

. . . bubbles you get!

I used the bubbles this evening to try to cure a cranky Camden. To our surprise he started saying "bubbles, bubbles" over and over. He has said that word once before, but not really in the right context. After the bubbles were over Blake took him to his room to change into PJs. Sometime before the bubbles and PJs the gate going into the hall near the garage got left open. (Uh-hmm, Blake!) I asked Blake where Camden was and he said "I don't know". I saw the gate open and started down the hall when the door into the garage opened and, low and behold, here comes Camden through the door with the Swiffer. I thought to myself, "that's a really good idea for getting all the bubbles off the floor", and we went with it - right after I turned the chime back on the alarm system. The garage door was open, so I guess we should be damned glad there was a Swiffer to grab his attention. Otherwise he'd probably have been down the street!

Wednesday, July 30, 2008

A vist with the Grands/Greats

We went to see Granny and Papa today. Aunt Dodie was there and Jeremy, Brody and Mikey stopped by, too. Granny and Papa love seeing the babies, so there were lots of smiles in the room. Brody and Camden played very well together, with the exception of a couple of snatching incidents (compliments of Camden). Brody sat square on Landry's back, and even tried to climb into the bouncy seat with her at one point. I'm not sure he knew exactly what she was. He's the littlest person living in his house, which is what one would expect for most 15 month old kids. I tried to explain to everyone that he didn't do anything worse than what Camden subjects her to on a daily basis. She's pretty tough.
Here are a few pictures from our visit.

Landry and Papa.

All 4 of the kiddos, with no one showing their faces.

Camden, Jeremy, Brody and Granny.

In his glory. Who owns 2 Swiffers anyway?

Giggle box.

Porn for New Moms

I'm not sure how well this is going to show up once you enlarge the picture, but it's pretty funny. It's from the book Porn for New Moms from the Cambridge Women's Pornography Cooperative. Enjoy, if you can!

Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Landry and Camden on Monday

Trying to give his little sister some assistance in the crawling department.

Reading her first book.

Being cute.

Landry's 6 month check

Landry had her 6 month well baby check today. She weighs 18 pounds, 10 ounces and is 26 inches tall. I forgot to get the numbers from the growth chart from the doctor, but according to she's between the 75th and 90th percentile for weight and in the 50th for height. She got three shots, and I think they hurt her feelings just as much as they hurt her legs. She was hysterical. Poor baby girl.

Monday, July 28, 2008

A beautiful celebration

The beautiful couple, Brooke and Patrick.

Striking a pose.

Kay, Tara and Aunt Beth gettin' down!

Bart and Misty looking cute as ever.

Dancing to our wedding song.

Going away.

Blake's cousin Brooke got married in Dallas on Saturday. We traveled over (kid-free) to celebrate their big day. Brooke was an absolutely gorgeous bride, and had a very good-looking groom on her arm. The wedding was beautiful and the reception was a blast. They had an awesome band and very yummy food. The drinks weren't so bad either! A good time was had by all.

Another hiding spot

Camden discovered the hamper in our bathroom on Friday. It happened to be empty on that day, but when it's not he empties it out for us so he can climb in.

Friday, July 25, 2008

Landry's new moves

Landry has started sitting up pretty well over the past several days. Today she managed to sit up and do a little playing at the same time.

Child labor at it's finest

Camden LOVES cleaning day! He's a lot of help, sort of.

Thursday, July 24, 2008

Our sweet 6 month old

Landry turned 6 months old at 10:16 a.m. today. To celebrate her big day I went to see the doctor who delivered her. It was just an annual appointment, but I was almost in a full-fledged panic attack by the time I got to the office. I kept having flashbacks of ultrasounds and all the other not-so-fun stuff that happened at that joint, and for some reason part of me felt like Dr. Pineda was going to come in and give me a due date. Odd, I know.
I am very thankful for my two healthy babies, but I am also thankful that there won't be another one! So baby girl, you will ALWAYS be the baby around these parts!

Wednesday, July 23, 2008

Another comparison

Camden's picture is from the day he turned 6 months old and Landry's a day shy of 6 months today. Too bad Camden's knee fat isn't showing like his sister's!

Sweet smiles

More Houston pics

This is what Jennifer and I look like after staying up entirely too late and getting up entirely too early to feed babies and get ready for church. Apparently Jeremy thought it was funny enough to photograph. Boy, how times have changed!

Our little Spider-Men.

Cute boys!

Sweet baby girls.

Madeline's baptism

Here are a few photos from Madeline's baptism on Sunday. We are honored to be this sweet baby girl's God parents!

Landry's 6 month pictures

I don't have much time right now, but here's a little taste of Landry's 6 month pictures we had taken today. I'll post more tonight after the midgets are in bed.

Monday, July 21, 2008

Landry's older man

We spent the weekend in Houston with the Mayfields. Landry fell in love with Gaven, and he was pretty smitten with her, too. We went down for Madeline's baptism, and we had a wonderful time catching up and hanging out. More pictures to follow!

Monday, July 14, 2008

Something to be proud of

Camden pottied in the bathroom last night! Unfortunately it wasn't in the toilet. I finished bathing him, drained the water and was trying to talk him into standing up when I realized he was squatting down for a reason. He laid a big, fat, stinky poo ball on the mat in the tub. Luckily there was no water left, so it was an easy clean up. But how gross is that? And if he can squat in the tub and go, is he trying to tell me he's ready to start potty training at this early age? Help me make sense of tub turds, please!

Sunday swimming

Sunday afternoon we met the Schoonover's at the community pool in their 'hood. We had a nice time, but two kids in the water is quite a bit of work! We took a few pictures in the sun and then quickly retreated to the shade so the pale-skinned Rainey didn't get third degree burns.