Friday, April 4, 2008

Vegas, baby!

We had a great time in Las Vegas this week. We stayed at the Ritz-Carlton the first 2 nights and Wynn Las Vegas the last 2 nights. Both were beautiful hotels, and we really enjoyed being away from town part of the time and on the strip the rest of the week. It was a nice mix. The cab rides were much cheaper the last part of the week!

Jen and Frank were great and did a great job of showing us the parts of Vegas the locals enjoy. We had a lot of fun catching up with them.

The nastiest thing that's ever happened to me in my life happened while we were at the Venetian. Blake sat down at a blackjack table and I was standing behind him. The man at the table behind me turned around and sneezed a HUMONGOUS green booger on my arm! For real. It was horrible. I did the first thing that came to mind, which was to turn around and say "look what you just sneezed on me!" He was apologetic, but it didn't slow down his blackjack playing much. I would have hit the door had I just defiled someones arm with my nose. Gross. I'm still not over it, and likely won't be for the rest of my life.

We got home last night and were very happy to see the kiddos. I'm not sure that they really missed us, but we're pretending they did. Nana and Chappy did a great job with them, but they were pretty beat by the time we got back. Hopefully they're enjoying today's stormy weather from their bed or couch!

Now we start the process of getting back into our routine. Wish us luck!


jennifer said...

Where is Captain Dustmask??

Leslie said...

How can you look so good after just having a baby? What do you eat (or not eat, I should say!) You look gorgeous.

Haley said...

I think I just threw up in my mouth a little! That is disgusting! And the fact that he wasn't mortified.
I would be making my way down to the old doc's office for a hepatitis innoculation!

nana said...

Yes, it will take me a couple of days to recoup but keeping the grandbabies was just fantastic! What precious, precious babies!