Wednesday, April 16, 2008

A long day

We're alone! Blake left this morning for Florida. He'll be gone until late Friday night. I must say that I'm not digging this single-parenthood thing so much. The kids were pretty good today, but Landry stayed awake from just after noon until 4:30. I finally got her down and breathed a sweet sigh of relief, but that only lasted for an hour. She wasn't terribly fussy, just awake a lot and periodically needy (as I suppose she's entitled to be at this age). By the time 6:30 rolled around everyone was hungry and extremely impatient - and there was only one set of hands to try to make everyone happy. Something about their 12 week and 13 month old brains won't let them understand "It's your brother/sister's turn!" It's now 9:15 and thankfully both kids are in bed. Camden's still not asleep, but he's close. I'm laying in bed now (which is odd for me this early at night) enjoying the warm glow of my laptop.

Here are some pictures from our day. Goodnight!

Landry chilled in the Bumbo this morning waiting on her bath.

Can't you smell the sweet scent of a clean baby just by looking at this?

Danielle and Joshua came over for a play date.

Joshua checked Landry out pretty thoroughly. (She let him borrow her Boppy pillow.)
I think they each thought the other's head looked funny!
Camden shared his toys very well. I was proud of him. I think we probably cost Danielle and Joey some money today.

Joshua really liked Camden's big boy toys.
Danielle got to cuddle with my kiddos while Joshua was otherwise occupied.


Haley said...

I have been a single parent since Monday. I really don't know how people do it. Chris will be home this afternoon, let me know if you need help.

Cathy H. said...

I can smell sweet clean Bitsy from Blanchard! I love those navy blue eyes peeking out of that pink towel!!!

Pigtails and Puppy Dog Tales said...

Joshua and I had a really good time yesterday. We'll have to come play more often. I think Joshua has found some new toys that he can't live without. It's kind of like rent before you own - play before you buy. It's great!