Monday, February 2, 2009

Happy 2 years minus 1 month, Camden!

Camden is 23 months old today! He seems to be enjoying Mother's Day Out once I get good and gone. He hasn't gone in without throwing a fit since the first day, but his teachers assure me that he has fun after the initial wailing is over. He's napping while he's there - on his nap mat on the floor even! One of his teachers thought he was over two because he speaks so well. Of course when she told me he says "Mama come back?" that kind of broke my heart. But at least he's communicating, right?

His manners are coming along, but he's having trouble with pleases and the ma'ams and sirs. He says thank you and you're welcome, and thinks every time we pass someone in a store he should say "scuse us". I guess I excuse myself a little too much. Now if we could just get him to say "excuse me" when he passes gas instead of "toot tooooot" we'd be getting somewhere!

He's counting to ten now - sometimes on his own and sometimes if we start and alternate numbers with him. He was skipping quite a few until last Saturday when Nana and Chappy set him straight somehow. I tried to get the counting on video, but all he wanted to do was "see Mulner on cam-uh" (see Miller on the camera).

He's growing and learning and doing/saying new things every day. And we don't have any more bad words to report, which is always nice!

1 comment:

jennifer said...

The "scuse us" thing reminds me of Frankie when he was that age. Every time someone would speak over the intercom in the grocery store, he would yell out "NO THANK YOU!" That still cracks me up.