Tuesday, February 24, 2009

The icing on the cake

Camden got an award at Mother's Day Out today. He FINALLY went into his class without crying! All I had to do was bribe him with the cinnamon gum that I had in my mouth. How easy and gross is that? I believe that fits into the "whatever works" category of child rearing. Landry didn't cry either, which happens periodically, but was extra sweet because it coincided with Camden's tear-free day.
See? It really was a great day!
p.s. - I'm pretty sure they were making fun of me because I was so excited about getting out of the building without hearing one of my kids crying, but hey! I'll take it!!


Kay said...

A belated Happy Birthday, Nic! I thought of you yesterday but was in the company of a very special boy and never got online to send greetings to you. It looks like you had a wonderful day, start to finish!

Love ya,
Aunt Kay

wendyspies said...

congratulations! :) it did sound like a wonderfully mommy-rific birthday!