Monday, May 5, 2008

Mr. Fix It

I moved the baby gate from Landry's doorway to the doorway into the hall today, because if I heard it once, I heard it a thousand times: the rattling of the gate, the rattling of the handle on Landry's door and "hey geerl". I was brave and made the move while Camden was following me around. He was throwing a wall-eyed fit for the little plastic tool used to tighten the gate, so after I was finished with it I gave it to him. He commenced to working on the gate. It was cute, but you can see from all these posts that the theme of our Monday was Camden and fits - and things that rhyme with fit!


jennifer said...

What, exactly, does a wall-eyed fit entail?

Carrie said...

Today it entailed having a cute brunette kid yanking crazily at my shirt and pants,trying every chance he got to rip the tool out of my hand, in a very loud manner.

Carrie said...

While his sister was sleeping.

nana said...

I think a wall-eyed fit is somewhere between a conniption fit and a hissy fit...of medium strength and intensity. ;-)

Mollie said...

I think that's so funny how he runs up to Landry's room and yells, "Hey, geeeerrl!" I cant wait to come to Louisiana and meet silly little Camden!