Monday, May 5, 2008

How do I follow that last post?

Wow. My head is still reeling from the poo incident. Where do I go from there?

My intended first post of the day was going to be to report that Camden drank his milk from a sippy cup before bed last night. May 4, 2008 was the first day in his whole entire life that he didn't have a bottle. We took away his morning bottle several weeks ago, but we were holding on to the nighttime bottle for some reason. It was a little sad, but it was time for the bottle to go. Two kids using bottles is a bit much for one household.

In addition, we also put him down without his pacifier. It took him a while to go to sleep, but that happens periodically with the pacifier, too. He hasn't had one today, which I guess could explain why he took his PJs off before he fell asleep and why he played with poop when he woke up when he normally would have been content to hang out with his pacifier in his mouth.


Haley said...

Maybe carrying around a gay-pride umbrella is foreshadowing as well?? :)

Carrie said...

That's just mean!

jennifer said...

BURN, that was a zinger, Haley!

jennifer said...

He totally missed the parade in Vegas on Saturday.