Saturday, May 10, 2008

Brody's 1st Birthday Party

Cousin Brody turns 1 on Tuesday. (He was his mommy's Mother's Day gift last year!) His parents threw him a big party today so he could celebrate with his family and friends. They had cool age-appropriate water toys and yummy hamburgers. Brody and Camden ventured into the water together, but as you can see Brody wasn't really diggin' it at first. He came around and then they both happily investigated the sprinkling water.

Landry hung out with Uncle Bruce and Aunt Linda. They had her giggling and cooing, and she had them smiling!

Happy birthday, Brody! We love you!!


jennifer said...

Looks like Landry was mesmerized by my Pop's festive shirt. Was it a luau? It's good to see them, even if it's just in a picture.

jennifer said...

Aw, Cam's such a sweetie. He looks so concerned about Brody before the good times started rollin.