Sunday, March 23, 2008

A goose egg for Easter

As if the boy parts dangling between his legs weren't evidence enough, today we learned that Camden is ALL boy. He took his first tumble out of his crib. The diaper genie broke his fall, but it didn't stop him from getting a nice goose egg on his left eyebrow. I'm not really sure how we're going to remedy this problem, since his crib can only be lowered another 2 inches or so. Hopefully that will hold him off for a while.


Tara said...

Bless his heart... here we go! Peeps says she's had worse from a wake board! :-)

Haley said...

At least he held off until after his b-day and the family pics!

Erin said...

Oooh he clocked himself but good, didn't he? Maybe line the perimeter of the crib with padding or pillows? At least he'll land on something soft. Poor little guy (and Blake).