Tuesday, March 4, 2008

12 month checkup

We went in for Camden's 12 month checkup and vaccinations today. He weighs 25 pounds and 7 ounces (90th percentile) and is 30 inches tall (60th percentile). His head is still in the 95th percentile at 19 inches. He got three stinking shots which must have hurt like crazy because he bawled for quite some time after the nurse got finished sticking him in both legs and one arm. I reminded him after it was over that I was in the corner feeding Landry and had absolutely nothing to do with any of it. He even rode with Blake this morning, so I can't even get the blame for taking him there. If he happens to remember getting poked repeatedly maybe he'll remember where I was, too! I know it's their job, but I have an overwhelming urge to kick the nurse's butt every time Camden has to get shots.

Camden was cleared to try all sorts of new foods, which will be fun. And on that note I'd like to renew my request that no one feed him anything that hasn't previously been parent-approved.
We also asked Dr. Scott about Landry's belly problems, and he said we could put a little rice cereal in her bottles to see if that helps. If it doesn't she'll likely have to start taking medication for reflux. Hopefully the rice cereal will accomplish two things - fix her belly and help her sleep longer. We shall see!

1 comment:

Chad said...

He's such a big boy. I can't get over how grown up he looks compared to his little sister. Then I have to take step back and realize that he's just a baby. He's NOT a big kid.He can't even rumble yet. Oh but one day...