Tuesday, December 25, 2007

What a wonderful first Christmas!

As promised, Santa made his first appearance at the Rainey house. We left him a half full bottle and some banana puffs, and that really must have done the trick because he left Camden some pretty good stuff! Camden got a cool tunnel like the one he plays in at Gymboree, a chair embroidered with his name that's just his big, some musical instrument rattle thingies, a whale rocker and a few other goodies. Blake and I made out pretty well, too. I got a shiny red laptop and a new camera, and Blake got a Nintendo Wii and some pretty cool ducks that Chad carved for him. The pups got a new bed and t-shirts. Miller's a good sport, but Abigail is still traumatized about wearing clothes. We'll post some pictures of our loot when we get home this evening.

Christmas really is more fun through the eyes of a child! He's not really sure what's going on around him, but he's certainly been enjoying all of the attention. Being able to traipse around in piles and piles of paper and boxes doesn't hurt either! Last night we went to Granny's, and this morning we went to Aunt Haley and Uncle Chris'. Camden got some neat things from both places. Landry got a couple of things, also.

We're off to Aunt Beth and Uncle Bill's shortly, so we'll have more pictures and stories to share later on. We hope you are all having as memorable of a day as we are!


Cathy H. said...

Looks like Beep was giving a "THUMBS UP" on all of his Christmas loot!!!

jennifer said...

your boy is absolutely adorable!! looks like a little man. hope you guys had a nice christmas...looks like you did! wish i coulda been at granny's with you guys. got a nice package from her and papa and aunt dodie today. i started my goofy profile. still not sure how to contribute to the recipes. help.