Thursday, December 6, 2007

9 Month Checkup

If any of you are still reading this after being bored to death with my girlie purchases, you might actually find this entry somewhat interesting!

We went for Camden's 9 month well baby check today. (The pictures were taken between make out sessions he was having with himself in the mirror!) He weighs 23 pounds (85th percentile) and is 28 inches long (50th percentile). He's only grown a half an inch and gained 2 pounds in the past 3 months. That doesn't sound like much to me, but I guess if there were a problem Dr. Scott would have let us know. He tore up the paper on the exam table, picked up the yard stick and whacked me in the head with it, and eventually hit himself and Blake, too! He's been cleared for table food, as long as it's cut small enough that if he swallows it whole he won't choke on it. And since he often chokes on air alone, this will likely be a long road! Scott said to give him as much formula as he'll take until he's 12 months. I probably should have asked if 4 bottles a day is enough. Hmmm. I knew I'd think of something after we left.
Well, I just wanted to update you guys on his progress (and give you something other than bedding and furniture). Have a great day!


nana said...

Camden is a downright handsome man!!!

Cathy H. said...

What he lacks in stature, he more than makes up in looks. He even thinks so himself!

Carrie said...

He does like himself. Today at Gymboree the other 2 kids were playing on the play gym equipment and Camden was making out with himself against the windows at the front of the store. Passers by thought he was pretty darned funny.