Tuesday, December 18, 2007

32 Week Checkup

I had my 32 week checkup today. Everything went well. I weighed in 2 pounds lighter than two weeks ago (yay!). I think it had a lot to do with not having lunch and two glasses of tea before my appointment, but hey, I'll take it. I'm also finally measuring right on track. I'll be 33 weeks on Thursday and I measured 33 cm. I've been measuring anywhere from 2 to almost 3 weeks ahead the past few months. So hopefully that means I won't be having a gigantic baby. It's hard to believe we have just over 7 weeks to go - if I go to 40 weeks.


Haley said...

you were 2 pounds lighter because you didn't have on your honkin' ring! YAY for swelling!!!

Aunt Tonya said...

Before you know it time will be up and your life will be consumed with baby stuff (if it is not already). I hope you still have time to keep up with your blog I have really enjoyed it. By the way enjoy every minute because it passes quickly!!