Wednesday, December 19, 2007

Hormones or reality or both?

I don't really know if I should attribute this rant to hormones or to a good dose of reality, but my Aunt Tonya gave me a piece of advice in her comment to my last entry about enjoying these moments because they pass so quickly, and it really got me thinking. Blake and I try to keep in mind that time is really precious right now. I'm sure we'd cling tight to Camden anyway because he is our child, but I think sometimes we might cling a little tighter because we know his days as the baby are numbered - and we don't want him to ever feel like he got shafted. The first few weeks after we found out we were pregnant again I had a tremendous amount of guilt over the fact that he wouldn't even have a year as the baby. Every baby deserves to be the baby, right? Even though he'll still be a baby, there will be something smaller and more fragile and needy in the house that will take time away from him that he deserves. I'm not concerned about having two in diapers or two on formula (even though that should only last a month) - I think I can handle those trivial issues. And I'm not at all concerned that there won't be enough love to go around. My concern is: how do you divide your time when they will each have such different needs? I hope we are prepared for the challenges we'll face as the parents of two children who will be the same age for one month every year. And I hope I'm prepared for the amount of laundry two adults and two babies will make!


Karla said...

I have every confidence in you that you will be able to divide your time and multiply your love for both of your special angels!!

The Wilsons said...

My grandmother was #7 baby in her family and 11 months later came #8 baby. She was shy and depended on her 'baby' brother until she was married. They even held her back and let them start school together! Somehow, I think it just all works out :-) (Easily said, though, from someone whose two children are 5 YEARS apart)

Aunt Tonya said...

Carrie one very important thing you did not think about is your children will never remember a time without each other. Believe me when they are years apart it is harder. Carly was 3 1/2 when Casey was born and you could imagine what she thought after being the only one for over 3 years. She was old enough to say things that would make us feel terrible. Camden will not. Really you are VERY lucky you will see.

Cathy H. said...

If anyone can pull this off, it is you. You are such a wonderful Mother to Camden. You will be a wonderful Mother to sweet Landry also. There has never been a greater Dad than Blake. I love to see him with his son. I can only imagine how proud his Mother is of him! How lucky those babies will be to grow up so close together. One thing you must be sure and teach them is to always love each other. Camden will never be loved the way that Landry will love him and vice versa. He will always be her idol and she will try and emulate him in everything that he does. You think you are tired now? Just wait a few months. It will be the worst and the best kind of tiredness you will ever experience. When you lay your head down on your pillow each night, you will know that there is no greater job in the world than to be the caretaker of those precious souls. What treasures the Lord has entrusted into your care. Have I told you lately how proud you make me? Well, let's just keep it to ourselves

Haley said...

sniff, sniff.... yeah, what mom said. These last 9 1/2 mths you have surprised and amazed me at how well you jumped right into the "mommy seat" I can't begin to act like I know what you will go through in a few months, but I do remember the guilt I felt when I found out I was pregnant with Ryder. Tanner was 17 mths old, and I thought we were doing him so wrong by bringing in a new baby. But fast forward to now and the boys are best of friends I can't imagine it being different, and wouldn't change it for that matter. There is nothing sweeter than to hear an unprompted "I love you" between your children. They will always be close, and Aunt Tonya nailed it dead on- Camden will never remember a time without his little sis. So don't feel guilty about it, they will give you so much more to feel guilty about in the years to come.

Carrie said...

Sniff, sniff is right! Thanks for all of that - it really means a lot!

Cathy H. said...

What are the chances that both of my girls would have the sniffles at the same time?

Kay said...

Mommy guilt..... get used to it. It never goes away. There will always be something to second- guess or worry and fret over. It's what real Mommies do, and you are definitely a real Mommy!
I love you, Aunt Kay

nana said...

sniff, sniff is right. I AM so proud of Blake as a dad (he amazes me...not sure where he learned it but I'm glad he did). And Carrie as a mom...just fantastic. I couldn't imagine loving anyone like I do my children and then they had children...oh my gosh!!!! The love grows to fill the need... I don't think it really takes a 'village to raise a child' just takes a loving family. Guess we're having sympathy hormonal pains for you, Carrie.

Cathy H. said...

Sounds like all you folks have the sniffles 'cept me. I haven't sniffed on iota!