Tuesday, December 4, 2007

30 week checkup

We went today for our 30 week checkup. Everything looks great with the baby, even though the mom is entirely too fat. I won't mention the exact number of pounds I've gained, but it's pretty close to where I was at the end of my pregnancy with Camden. I naively thought I wouldn't gain as much weight this time since I spend much of my day moving around behind my little guy. So much for that! I measured over 2 weeks ahead of my due date, but the baby's head measured right at 30 weeks. I'm sure that can be explained by the massive weight gain. We were glad to see that all the important parts (heart, brain, kidneys, umbilical cord, etc.) were healthy, and we were thrilled to see (once again) that we're still having a little girl, even though we couldn't have picked the parts out of a genitalia lineup. Apparently we're much better at identifying boy parts than those of a little girl. So now the game is officially on! We'll be broke by Christmas from buying furniture, bedding and pink clothes! Fortunately for those of you on our list, most of our Christmas shopping is already done. Well I'm off to polish off the ice cream so I can get ready for my next weigh-in on December 18th. I hope everyone has a great night.


Haley said...

Yeah!!! No turtles!! Can't wait to meet little Miss Landry! And, don't stress about the weight, you are SUPPOSED to be large and in charge!
Love you!

nana said...

I agree with Haley...can't wait to meet Landry...don't stress about weight. Loved the phrase "large and in charge"...I'm not pregnant but I think I'll adopt it for myself...gives me an optimistic approach for the holidays...you know 'jolly'! ;-)

Carrie said...

Thanks, y'all. I would prefer not to be fat, but it's for the greater good, so I think I can handle it for a few more months. Now if the pounds don't come off like they did with Camden I'm going to be extremely upset. I should probably prepare myself for that now!