Thursday, November 29, 2007


Sorry I haven't been a good blogger lately. Coming into the office is getting increasingly more difficult, as Camden has figured out how to get into just about everything in here. I'm typically okay letting him dig in things, but when he starts licking the doggie door I know it's time to vacate! He's been really interested in dumping out his toy basket, just to move on to a bottle of water or something else other than the nice toys he has. He's also been pulling up on just about everything. He gets up very easily, but getting back down seems to confuse him a little. Thank goodness for diapers, because his little bottom would be black and blue from falling backwards on his butt if they weren't so nice and padded.

1 comment:

Katie said...

I am impressed!! Camden may be walking by Christmas! Ornaments...get ready, you may be yanked off your evergreen resting place!