Friday, November 2, 2007

8 Months Old!

" You can't run from me anymore, mom!"


"This could mean trouble!"

Camden's crawling has drastically improved in just a couple of days. Yesterday my Aunt Doreen put him down in the living room in front of the recliner and he crawled all the way through our bedroom and bathroom into our closet! He acted like he knew exactly where he was going. He came and found me this morning in the bathroom while I was getting ready to take him to Gymboree. He was a crazy crawling guy at Gymboree until it all caught up with him and he almost passed out sitting straight up. He got a nap on the way home, so he was full of energy by the time we got to the house. His latest discovery - the doggie door. This should be fun. The office/doggie room is really the last place I should be letting him crawl around, but maybe it'll motivate us to replace the carpet with hardwood sooner! Well, I'm off to find out what he's into now! Have a great weekend everyone.


nana said...

It's amazing how fast he's progressing! During our play day this week, he crawled over to a plant and was reaching for it when I said, "Camden...No". To which the turned to look at me and then immediately went for the plant again....major 35 year flash back! It's getting more fun everyday!

nana said...

RE: 1st message. "To which HE (not the). Guess I should use the preview feature.