Sunday, September 2, 2007

Happy Half a Year!

Happy 6 months, Camden! Some things he's found this past week: his D sound (da-da-da, of course), his feet, that he can rollover front to back and back to front numerous times and actually get from Point A to Point B, and his temper. We could have done without the temper part. I'm pretty tired of being screamed at and pinched! We had his pictures made today, so we'll be sharing those shortly. Hope everyone has a great Labor Day!
9/4/07 update: Blake reminded me that Camden also located his boy parts. Blake cringes every time Camden squeezes them, which I find pretty humorous!
Another 9/4/07 update: It occurs to me that I should note that Camden found his own boy parts, not Blake's. Although that would make me laugh, too!


Annie said...

Happy 1/2 year Birthday big guy! Can't wait to see you in December. Love Yall!

nana said...

Happy 6 mos old to Camden!!! He is trying out lots of new things. It's so fun to watch!