Saturday, September 8, 2007

Welcome Joshua Vann Giovengo!

Danielle and Joey are finally parents! Joshua was born this morning under pretty unusual circumstances. He was born at home! On accident! Danielle and Joey went to the hospital around 1 a.m. this morning and were sent home at 5 a.m. because she wasn't dilated. Her water broke after they got home and Joshua was born in a twin bed in their office at 8:24 a.m. The first people Joshua saw were his mom, dad and five Bossier firemen! He and Danielle are both doing great. He's 6 pounds, 11 ounces and 18.5 inches long. He has a head full of blond hair and is absolutely beautiful. Go Danielle!


Haley said...

I am so excited for you!! He is precious. What a great story to tell Mr. Joshua. Can't wait to meet him.

nana said...

So glad Mom and son are doing well. I'll bet Dad either has more gray hair or thinner hair from the experience. Congratulations to Danielle and Joey! Welcome home, Joshua!!!