Sunday, May 24, 2009

Checking out the new kid's digs

We'll be doing really well if Camden and Landry don't tear up the swing and bouncy seat before the baby gets here. The fact that Camden can now open the baby gates isn't working in our favor. They are both super interested in all the stuff that's being brought in and dug out of closets, etc. We'll see how much they like it when there's someone occupying all these fun items! I'm guessing that's going to go over like a turd in a punch bowl.
(These were taken with the little Canon point and shoot camera, which is why the quality sucks. Sometimes digging out the big, nice camera is too much of a hassle!)

1 comment:

Kay said...

Welcome back, Nic. You were sorely missed! I'm glad all is well and the newest little man in your life is behaving for now.

My love to all,
Aunt Kay