Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Gosh, 18 months, already?

It's so hard to believe we've had this sweet little guy for 18 months already. And equally as hard to believe that we haven't totally screwed him up yet! I must admit that we didn't quite make it to 18 months without the first dirty word springing from his lips. He tried to repeat the word sh*t, and while I know you guys would bet the bank that it was a declaration made by me or Blake, it was actually another family member (who shall remain anonymous).
Today we were looking at the latest Williams-Sonoma magazine when I saw the first evidence of Camden's imagination. There was a panini sandwich on one page, which he thought was a pizza, and as soon as he saw it he started saying "peepa, onna bite". I thought to myself that he'd probably be pissed once he licked the paper and it tasted like, well, paper, but he licked it and let out a huge "MMMMMM!" Then he repeated it a few more times because I thought it was so funny.
He's still digging his little sister pretty well, but now that she can crawl around and get his toys he's developed a little stingy side. I suppose there was no real way to avoid that. Landry's favorite thing to attack is the little rainbow umbrella so I bought another one. Now Camden thinks he needs to carry both of them around! Problem obviously not solved.
Happy 18 month day, Camden! We are so proud to be your parents and we love you beyond belief!


jennifer said...

Love the pic of him by the window. He's getting more handsome every day!

Karla said...

He is such a big boy -- and looks to be a great big brother! keep up the good work Mom & Dad!!! Happy 18 months Baby boy!!! :)