Wednesday, February 20, 2008

Just for my benefit

I just wanted to document the recent interaction between Camden and Landry and some of Camden's latest developmental milestones - mostly so I'll remember the stuff when I finally get around to getting baby books current.
Several days ago Camden started leaning in and touching his forehead to ours when we ask him for a kiss. I asked him to give Landry a kiss yesterday, and sure enough, he leaned toward her, touched his head to hers and then tried to pull her ear off! He also doesn't really like Landry to have her pacifier in her mouth. He tries to get it every time, and usually ends up with a finger in her eye during the extraction. He checks the bassinet after every nap to see if she's in it. I found him reaching through the slats this afternoon touching her. I think he was going for the pacifier again. I guess he's finally figuring out that she's one of us, but he sometimes still gets a little tickled when she's been still and then suddenly moves around on one of us.
If Camden is tired when it's time to feed Landry he loses his mind wanting her bottle or wanting me. When he's well-rested he crawls into his bedroom or ours and plays with his toys and pays us no attention at all. He's also figured out that when she cries I'm going to go check on her, so he likes to intercept me and beg to be picked up. Holding two babies, one of which is just a little rag doll, is kind of tricky sometimes. Fortunately no one's ended up on their heads yet!
He's still saying "good" - sometimes it has a D and sometimes it doesn't. He started saying "boo" a couple of weeks ago and said "hush" earlier today after I told one of he dogs to hush. He's been clapping after we sing the first line of "if you're happy and you know it", but yesterday I just told him to clap his hands and he did it! I was very excited that he understood me without me having to use the song to clue him in. He still does the sign for light religiously. We're working on the signs for book and more right now. We've got to get our money's worth out of those Baby Signs classes!
He's been accidentally standing on his own for a few seconds lately. He'll pull up on something and get distracted with something in his hands or clapping and let go. Where he used to immediately fall on his butt, he's now got a more controlled let down when he realizes he's not holding onto anything.
I'm sure there's more, but that's all my sleep-deprived brain can come up with right now.


jennifer said...

has he learned to put together his own push car yet???

Carrie said...

Why must you go there?!?