Wednesday, August 1, 2007

Play date

I took Camden to Gymboree today. We sang some songs, learned some infant massage techniques, played with a big parachute and had tummy time on a mirror with colorful balls rolling around. They really know how to make tummy time interesting! They have a really neat program to keep their attention. The instructor said she only expected about 10 minutes out of them, but 30 minutes into the class all three kids were still paying attention. He really enjoyed himself, and in spite of the fact that it was WAYYY past nap time, he waited until the very end to get fussy. Here are some pictures of the cutest kid in the class:
We also stopped by Blake's office for lunch before our play date. Camden finally didn't cry at Pop Steve and instead showed him how he's learning to give kisses. They were both pretty slobbery!

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