Monday, March 2, 2009

Terrible and Two

Oh my. What a day this has been! I guess we've seen it coming, but Camden decided today of all days to debut his terrible two behavior. There were moments of rationality, but for the most part today was the worst day the little guy has had. He was very testy and would pitch a big, fat fit at the drop of a hat if he didn't get his way. And obviously he didn't get his way much today because he spent a lot of time pitching fits.

Even though he was awful, I guess we'll keep him and try to focus on the good parts:

  • Last night, as he sat on the potty, he actually pee-peed a little. In the toilet. Pretty exciting, right? He asked to sit on the potty a couple of times today, but was only interested in toilet paper and flushing. It's progress, I suppose.

  • Today he sang the alphabet all the way to the letter P, only missing a couple of letters, and counted to ten like a pro.

  • He spent a good while actually paying attention to Christine (our mommy's helper) while she went over colors with him.

  • We made birthday cupcakes, and after he threw a fit when the electric mixing part was over we had a glorious time making a mess.

  • We had dinner with the Giovengos, which was probably the longest period without a major meltdown. I guess we should at least be proud that he controlled himself in public.

  • I had him repeating "Don't be bad" this afternoon, and somehow he turned it into "be be bad" by the end of the day. I guess he knew better than I did how the day would end.

In spite of all these things I'm bitching and moaning about, he's still amazingly bright and generally a joy to be around. We love him very much, even when we feel like shaking him!

Camden did not like this at all:

Joshua enjoyed the cupcakes WAY more than anyone else:


Kay said...

Happy Birthday Camden Alexander! It's hard to believe that you have been on this earth for two years now. I'll bet Mama will have forgotten all about today, by tomorrow, especially if you return to your sweet self.
Love and kisses,
Aunt Kay

jennifer said...

Don't worry Cam, I don't believe her lies!! You're an angel!

Chad said...

Carrie, your daughter looks JUST like you in that last picture. Sorta uncanny to me.

wendyspies said...

happy birthday little man! hopefully this will be his first and last day of terrible twos!