Sunday, March 8, 2009

The birthday party

We had Camden's birthday party today at Gymboree. It was a huge hit. I'm a big fan of trashing somebody else's place and then letting them clean it up! We got home and everyone crashed out in short order. We still haven't opened the gifts and it's about to kill me! Look for pictures of the birthday boy and his gifts soon.


jennifer said...

Let me be the first to tell you how creepy that cake is. Are you trying to scar him for life?

Carrie said...

Haha! I was looking at the cake earlier today thinking that it would probably scare the bejesus out of some people. He's not old enough to be scared of clowns yet, but I'm sure one day clowns and midgets will be on the top of the "don't put on cakes" list. And Gymbo sort of looks like a midget clown, so he'll be the first to be disqualified!

chastain said...

That clown cake is scary, Carrie!