Friday, January 2, 2009

Sweet 22 month old

Camden turned 22 months old today, and we totally forgot to tell him Happy 22 month day! We suck. We did, however, let him have some fun this evening. We met the Schoonover's for dinner at Fudrucker's. We were quite a site: four adults and four high chairs. Afterwards we took the kids down to the fountain so they could watch the water. Camden repeatedly yelled "WWWAAADDDDER". He loved it. Us girls took a stroll down to a couple of stores, and when we got back to the boys there was a guy playing the guitar ("high tar") and singing outside of The Cheesecake Bistro. Camden and Alex danced around like very white and very crazy kids. It was adorable.
Camden is repeating just about everything we say, which has included two expletives to date. I'll let his father tell you which ones they were, as he was responsible for the most recent rash of cursing. He can't pronounce his Fs or Ls, so some words are still incomprehensible if you don't already know what he's saying, but for the most part he's able to carry on short conversations with no problem. He's enjoying his big boy table, and eats some of his less messy meals there. I haven't been brave enough to turn him loose with applesauce or pudding outside of the high chair yet. We'll get there one day.
He is a happy and very energetic little guy, and fortunately for us he's sweet about 92% of the time. We must be doing something right! Or maybe just right enough.

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