Wednesday, December 3, 2008

Happy 21 months, Camden!

Camden turned 21 months old yesterday! (I swear I'm going to stop this monthly crap when they turn 2.) While he impresses us daily with his ever-expanding vocabulary and his ability to be unbelievably cute, I'm pretty sure the terrible twos have begun. His new way of expressing dissatisfaction is letting out a long and loud squeal/scream or two. His hitting has picked back up also, but fortunately for now he only hits us, himself or the furniture. Landry has been spared this go 'round. We're at a loss when it comes to dealing with the hitting. We try to remove him from the situation and hold his hands down by his side and tell him we don't hit, but sometimes the first response is to smack his hands or butt and hypocritically announce that we don't hit. We'll see how that works out for us and hopefully know better with Landry and No. 3. Oh the joys!!!

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