Wednesday, December 24, 2008

Happy 11 months, Landry Lou!

Landry turned 11 months old today. She is such a sweetie pie. Blake's calling her "Punkin" now, so Camden chooses between Punkin, Seester or Dandon (or something similar) when he talks to her. She has really enjoyed pulling the ornaments off the bottom of the tree and stealing ribbons off of gifts. I was smart enough (or lazy enough) not to wrap presents until Tuesday night so we didn't have to fight that fight longer than two days. She loves Pat-a-cake and will clap her hands if you ask her to. She waves like a lunatic when she thinks she's coming or going, and likes to repeat Camden when he says bye-bye, mama or daddy, and tries to imitate other words/sounds he makes. She's FINALLY holding her own bottle, which has been nice. Hopefully we'll be able to train her on a sippy cup soon so we can toss the bottles (or store them for No. 3) in another month. So far she's only interested in chewing on them and throwing them. She is cruising around like crazy, but only occasionally will let go of things and only stays upright a few seconds. She and Camden are starting Mother's Day Out at Airline Baptist Church in January. I'm a little nervous and a lot excited to be able to drop them off and get back to the house to be lazy BY MYSELF, and maybe occasionally productive.
Happy 11 month day Sweet Girl. We love you!

1 comment:

wendyspies said...

Hard to believe she is 11 months already! Congratulations!!!