Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Happy 10 months, Landry - yesterday!

Landry turned 10 months old yesterday. She's still just about the happiest baby I've ever seen. She and Camden have started doing lots of things together, like moving furniture, climbing into furniture, playing in drawers, etc. She's saying "bye-bye" and waving at the appropriate times. Other than that her vocabulary is still "dah-dah-dah", "mamamama", and things of that sort. She's started making attempts at more complex sounds, but not very often. She's figured out the door knobs, she just can't quite reach them yet. But she has the concept that door knob equals outside down pat. Camden's started the fit-throwing, which sometimes makes her laugh and sometimes makes her cry. She LOVES to eat. In an effort to avoid having a house full of picky eaters we've started her on people food a little early. She eats what we eat, and if Camden doesn't finish his meal she'll usually do a little damage to his leftovers. There are very few foods she doesn't like. She still thinks her brother is the coolest thing in the world, next to food. Watching them interact (when it's the happy kind of interaction) is the highlight of my days!

1 comment:

Pigtails and Puppy Dog Tales said...

Happy 10 months Landry! Like I always say, you get prettier every day.