Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Play date

We went to play with Cousin Brody this afternoon. He was much more intrigued with Landry than with Camden at first. He finally came around and decided to show Camden his hiding spot in his room. Camden would open the dresser drawer and say "hewoe". Camden found Jessica's blow dryer and thought it was the greatest thing on earth. I tried to take a bazillion pictures of the three kids together, and of course I still couldn't catch them all looking at the camera at the same time. Dodie fixed the boys a little bowl with snacks and once Brody was through with his he went for Camden's. Camden quickly gave him a "No, boy!" But afterwards he took a teddy graham out of his bowl and said "onna bite" and gave it to Brody. They all three played very well together, but with such sweet (and good-looking) kids that shouldn't surprise anyone.


Haley said...

I love the hair dryer picture.
Your kids will be very easy to shop for come Christmas- Camden's getting hair supplies. And Landry's getting kitchen utensils.

Brody's Parents said...

That is so sweet! I love that they all got along so well. Please send me all the pics you took. They are great!