Wednesday, August 20, 2008


Our sweet babies bathed together tonight for the very first time. Camden tried to give Landry a drink of water from the rinsing cup and gave her a big, fat hug, but Landry really only cared about the fact that the water jumped when she hit it. I'm a little embarrassed to say that until now I've still been bathing Landry in the infant tub in the kitchen sink. It was just easier that way! Earlier this week she decided she needed to continually pull the water faucet into her mouth, and I knew then that it was time to stop fighting the inevitable. So begins the big kid baths for everyone!


wendyspies said...

adorable as always! :) so nice that they get along so well. cam is a great big brother.

Pigtails and Puppy Dog Tales said...

Looks like Camden and Landry are having fun. She'll probably enjoy her baths much more now.