Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Partying like 12 year old groupies

Anne Marie and Brett invited us to join them at the American Idols Tour last night. We thought "sure, it'll get us out of the house and it's free". Then we thought about how ridiculous we would look at such an event! We had tickets to an autograph session and a meet and greet with the Idols before the show. It's amazing how quickly one gets star struck! Look at the cheesy grins on our faces - like big idiots, right? We ended up having a really good time, and we were definitely not the oldest people there.


jennifer said...

If I had a nickel for every time one of my customers asked me "Do you watch American Idol? You look just like that girl with all the tattoos! Did she inspire you to go out and get any of yours?" I wouldn't have to wait tables ever again. Until now, I had no idea how much I DON't look like her. Looks like you guys had a good time, and possibly some nachos. You are the incredible shrinking Carrie! What's your secret?

Haley said...

What nice friends you have! I hate to admit it, but I am so jealous!!

Pigtails and Puppy Dog Tales said...

Looks like y'all had a great time. Great pictures!

Leslie said...

How cute you are in your vest! I love that! Mmmmm... Jason Castro. So sensitive...

Carrie said...

Thanks. He was a sweety. And before anyone starts attacking, this is my friend Leslie, not thehungryhousewife Leslie.

Haley said...

I was SO about to lose it! Thanks for clearing that up for us!!

jennifer said...

For real! I was right behind her on the freak-out train! And your vest is way cute.