Monday, July 14, 2008

Something to be proud of

Camden pottied in the bathroom last night! Unfortunately it wasn't in the toilet. I finished bathing him, drained the water and was trying to talk him into standing up when I realized he was squatting down for a reason. He laid a big, fat, stinky poo ball on the mat in the tub. Luckily there was no water left, so it was an easy clean up. But how gross is that? And if he can squat in the tub and go, is he trying to tell me he's ready to start potty training at this early age? Help me make sense of tub turds, please!


Haley said...

he is really young for that, i think. you could try, but you run the risk of regression. you can always get a little potty and let him get used to it. you never know, he may be ready??

jennifer said...

NOT YET! I tried that with Frankie and talk about regression! It totally prolonged the process. My mom kept poisoning my mind with tales of my early potty training so I figured, why not Frankie? It pretty much doubled the amount of time it should have taken. Each child is different so you really never know. Cam could possibly be some potty wizard, or maybe he's just fascinated with the sight of his own turds (see past entries to this blog).

Chad said...

Rub his nose in it. He won't do it again.

Carrie said...

I'll try that next time.

jennifer said...

Ha ha! You got a screw loose Chad! That's why I love you so.

JaBLes D said...

We caught Jake at about this age, standing IN the toilet, diaper on...taking a dump. He had the right idea, just the mechanics were a little wacky.

I'd say if he shows interest in that big white bowl, go for it. Just take it slow and don't expect too much. Brady taught himself before he was 2 with very little help from us. Jake took longer only because we tried to be all toilet Nazi on him once he showed interest. The truth is, they dook when they are ready...where they are ready.

Kay said...

I had forgotten that Jake used to do that. One day he disappeared and I found him standing in the toilet facing forward (no mean feat and no pun intended!). I asked, "Jake, what are you doing?". His reply, "I pooped in the potty!". He said it with such glee, as he just knew he had really accomplished something grand. After removing him from the toilet and disinfecting him thuroughly, I checked his diaper and sure enough, he had pooped while in the potty! My potties were always spotless after that, just in case!