Tuesday, October 30, 2007

Beware of the vampire monkey!

Today we went to a Pumpkin Patch Halloween Party at Gymboree. Camden really tolerated his crawfish costume very well. He and his froggy friend Alex didn't participate in the activities much, but they enjoyed chewing on all the props just the same. We were having a pretty good time until this pesky little vampire monkey started hanging around. He thought he needed to steal all of the things our little guys were playing with. When he got to the dirty burp cloth and we wouldn't let him have it he decided to bite Camden. He let go of the burp cloth, grabbed Camden's arm and latched on. Camden has officially received his first stranger-inflicted injury at the ripe old age of 7 months, 28 days. It's been almost 2 hours now and I can still count the teeth marks on his arm! I was mortified, but somehow resisted the urge to smack the monkey (who was probably about 18 months old) right off his little monkey tail. Camden turned bright red and broke down in tears, which just made it all that much worse. The monkey and the monkey's mom didn't stick around long after the biting incident. Apparently, while we handled the situation pretty well (and by "well" I mean that we didn't physically injure her child), it was obvious that we weren't very happy parents. I know these things will happen, but I didn't expect it this early, especially over a freaking burp cloth!!!


Pigtails and Puppy Dog Tales said...

Poor little guy. He should have pinched him with his little crawfish claws. We're glad y'all get to experience these things before us. Your experiences will help me in the future.

Karla said...

POOR BABY!!! I'm proud of you for only running off the mean monkey and not beating him within an inch of his life!

Kay said...

Sounds like burp-cloth stealing monkeys can't be trusted! It's a crying shame that he gave monkeys a bad wrap by biting the most adorable crawfish I've ever seen. Give the crawfish a kiss on his owee for me.

Haley said...

I am VERY proud of the way you handled it, it would be HIGHLY inappropriate for you to spank someone else's monkey!

Cathy H. said...

I can only say that.............
I wish that I had thought of that!!!!