Thursday, June 21, 2007

The Ferber Method: Day 3

Camden was so tired last night that no methods were necessary. His bottle did him in and he conked out in the swing while we were eating dinner. Blake moved him to his crib and he never made a peep (thankfully). We have made it three whole nights without a midget in the bed - unless you count the dogs. I don't think they can be Ferberized, so I'm pretty sure we're stuck with them.


Haley said...

That is great! Don't be surprised if he decides that he doesn't like the Ferber method in the nights ahead. These little guys like to make you think that they are "trained" only to "derail" soon thereafter.

Carrie said...

I'm sure we don't have him trained, but at least we've established some semblence of a pattern with him. I'm sure that helps us more than it does him, but we'll take it!