Thursday, August 6, 2009

Statistics: Owen's 2 month and Landry's 18 month

Landry and Owen had well-baby check ups today. Owen had to get three shots, but Landry was spared this go 'round. As we figured, he was not a fan at all. Here are their respective stats:


Height: 22 inches (15th percentile)

Weight: 10 pounds, 15 ounces (25th percentile)

Head: 15.75 inches (50th percentile)
At 2 months Camden was 12 pounds, 1 ounce, 23 inches tall with a 15.75 inch head circumference (50th percentile for all). Landry was 11 pounds, 5 ounces (75th), 22.5 inches tall (50th) and had a 14.5 inch head circ. (20th).


Height: 32.5 inches (75th percentile)

Weight: 24 pounds, 13 ounces (66th percentile)

Head: 18.75 (85th percentile)

At 18 months Camden was 33.25 inches tall, 28.5 pounds with a 19 inch head circumference. (All 75th percentile)

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