Friday, October 24, 2008

Landry is 9 months old!

Our sweet baby girl turned 9 months old this morning. She has been a dream this week, which is greatly appreciated since Camden has been so difficult. (He's been sick and more irritable than we've ever seen before. Stupid roseola virus!)

Landry cut her second top tooth this week. We're up to four teeth now. She's still got the sweetest little personality, but isn't afraid to scream holy terror if you don't feed her as quickly as she wants to be fed. She's showing great interest in people food, so we've been slowly giving her tiny pieces of new things. She had some Spaghettios today! It looks like she might not be the picky eater her brother has turned out to be. We'll see how that shapes up.

A little note about Camden: tonight he took his new best friend, Sunny (a clown fish puppet), into his room and put him in bed. He told him "night night", closed the door and said "shhhh" as he walked back into the living room. It was pretty stinking cute!

1 comment:

wendyspies said...

congratulations! :) what a cutie