Saturday, October 31, 2009

Our sweet O is 5 months old!

Owen turned five months old on Wednesday. I know I've said it before, but he is SUCH a sweet baby. He doesn't complain about anything except being hungry or sleepy. He chills out in his papasan chair or on his activity mat and soaks in all the craziness of his brother and sister. He LOVES when Camden and/or Landry stop and talk to him or give him hugs and kisses. He's got the sweetest little smile, but laughs like an 85 year old with emphysema! He's rolling over occasionally, but really doesn't seem too interested in reaching his developmental milestones early. I must say that while it's always exciting to watch your kids do something new, I won't be too upset if he does things slower than the other two. He'll be chasing behind them soon enough, and I'm not about to rush it this go 'round!

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