Monday, June 9, 2008

New words and such

I'm trying to do a decent job of keeping up with Camden's vocabulary, but it seems like every day he's adding to it. Here's my best attempt to update. Forgive me if I duplicate words from a previous list.
Hey buddy
Hey Mommy (I love his one!)
Hello ("heh-woe")
Banana (a different sounding "nana" than his grandmother Nana)
Ready, go! (Ready sounds like "ray" and he leaves out "set")
Outside (sounds more like "shide")
Fish (sounds like "bush")
Read book
Bird (comes out "burr")
Tree ("she")
Toe (he says this when he grabs Landry's feet or hands - he doesn't get "fingers" yet)
Doe-Dee! (my Aunt Dodie)
Miller ("mewer")
Abigail (he's said this plain as day at least twice)
Milk ("moo")
Ride (sounds like "rye")
Spoon (it has no "N")
He's saying "cah" like crazy, but we have no idea what it means.
  • He's started holding his sippy cups up to the dispenser on the fridge to try to get ice. Cute for now! It'll suck once he's tall enough to actually reach it - ours doesn't have a lock.
  • He's hiding himself and Landry's pacifiers in furniture.
  • He eats bananas like they're going out of style, but only if you give him the entire thing - peel and all.
  • He loves to dance these days. I pick him up and ask him if he wants to dance and hold my thumb up. If he's in the mood he grabs hold and starts singing. I don't know what the heck he's singing, but it's something - and we tell him we love EVERY word of it.
  • He loves Icees and is a big fan of the Humphrey from Counter Culture. We're waiting for the first brain freeze.
  • He likes to hide behind the curtains in our room. He thinks he's in stealth mode, even though his legs are always hanging out.
  • He's started rubbing Landry's head and back.
  • He doesn't like for us to feed him anything with a spoon unless we give him another spoon and let him help. This gets terribly messy.
  • When I ask him if he's ready for a nap he walks up to the gate going into the hall and then loses his head when I pick him up to go to his room.
  • He has 2 more top teeth and a bottom one coming in - 11 in all!
  • He's also getting really good at throwing fits.
I guess that's it for now.


jennifer said...

Maybe "cah" means car, like he wants to go somewhere in the car. Perhaps to Counter Culture for a Humphrey.

nana said...

It's amazing how fast Camden is developing. I think he's very smart...I'm sure that's an objective opinion even if I'm his nana.