Tuesday, November 6, 2007

26 week checkup

We went for our 26 week checkup today. I didn't get in trouble with my weight, which was VERY nice. I knew I had controlled myself a little better, but I was still a tad bit scared of the scales. The baby's heart rate was 151-156 and my uterus measured 29 cm. I'll be 27 weeks on Thursday and have been measuring about 2 weeks ahead for a while now, so Dr. Pineda didn't seem too concerned. He also loaded me up with medicine for my chest cold or whatever it is I've had for over a week. I feel like a big moron for not going to the doctor last week because I thought I couldn't take any medicine, but apparently I was wrong. He said I was far enough along that I could have some meds. I'm thinking I'll have to medicate myself only after Blake gets home from work because I'm feeling a little lightheaded right now from the stuff he gave me.

I'll go for my gestational diabetes test and to pre-register at the hospital next week! This pregnancy seems to be flying by. I suppose because I don't have time to obsess over every single detail like I did with Camden. Oh, and I believe we have settled on a name. If there are still no boy parts on the ultrasound when we go back on December 4th we'll name her Landry Nicole. If there are boy parts we'll have to start the name game all over again.


Pigtails and Puppy Dog Tales said...

I love our boys and wouldn't trade them for the world, but I can't wait to have a little girl around. I think Joshua would like for his girlfriend's name to be Landry Nicole. It's very pretty.

Pigtails and Puppy Dog Tales said...

By the way Camden, please don't beat Joshua up if he wants to go out with your little sister.

nana said...

Love the name Landry. If boy parts show up, I think Landry could go either way. Kind of like Peyton.

Haley said...

Landry is very cute. You've got my vote, although I have to disagree with Nana- Landry is 100% girl.

Carrie said...

I think it might be a little feminine for a boy, too. We'll come up with something else if the boy parts make an appearance.

Karla said...

LOVE IT~! Hope you get to feeling better soon!!!

Kay said...

I love the name, Carrie. Landry sounds so Louisiana to me. I know your mother is thrilled that you are using your middle name. She has lobbied pretty heavily for it!