We had our first Baby Signs class last night. I think there's quite a bit of confusion for Camden because it's at
Gymboree and he very much associates that place with playing. His face lights up when we walk in the door. Camden didn't really pay attention, and probably won't throughout the six week program, but Blake and I learned some good signs to use for feeding time and hopefully with enough practice Camden will pick up on some of them. We got a lot of literature on teaching infants to sign and a nice big laminated cheat sheet of signs to work with him on. I'm excited about the possibility of communicating with him a little better and really hope that this is something that will work for us. Here's some information on the program, just in case you're interested and have time to do a little reading:
I wish we knew sign language already. It's difficult to figure out the little ones. Once you think you have them figured out, they throw you for a loop.
Hey, just popping in. I did Baby Signs with Landon too. It's pretty much fizzled out now that he's two and talking, but during his early months (and even sometimes now) it helped a lot! The first time he signs something to you, it's the greatest feeling. We felt like, WOW! He is real person that has his own ideas; really established his place in society! Very moving to a parent... Good luck.
-the other Annie :)
Thanks for the encouragement! Things like this always sound good in theory. It's nice to hear from another parent who had some success with it. I think I'll feel like I've really accomplished something when he ever "tells" me something with a sign.
"bath" was Landon's first sign. We got so excited!! I can remember him getting three baths one day just because he "asked." Repetition repetition repetition... it took several MONTHS!
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