Happy Turkey Day! I left the house tonight without my camera, so I'm depending on Cousin Jessica to send me a couple of pictures she took so I can post them. I hope you all had a wonderful day stuffing yourselves like, well, a Thanksgiving turkey. We went to Granny and Papa's house where we had beans and rice, chicken and dressing, gumbo, mashed potatoes, green bean casserole and ham, but no turkey. We're not really sure what they had against the bird this year, but he didn't make a Thanksgiving appearance. I felt just fine about the level of my consumption until I ate two pieces of pumpkin pie my sister-in-law Lissa made. It was very tasty, obviously, and it put me over the top. I'm not exactly sure where my stomach is located these days, but wherever it is it's REALLY full right now. I'm looking forward to digesting my food so I can start over tomorrow when Blake's family comes over for gumbo. Have a good night everyone!
Lissa just called me to say she's got a turkey in the oven! Hurray Turkey!
Are you sure that isn't a Bun in the oven?????? Wishful thinking on my part!!!
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