I had another ultrasound and NST today. The baby had the hiccups when they first started the u/s, so we had to wait a few minutes for him to get rid of them before getting started with the measurements. His kidneys are still dilated, but last week they were 6 and 7 mm and today they were only 5. That's good news. My amniotic fluid was measuring right at 22, and last week it was 21.6. She said that small of an amount could probably be explained as a discrepancy in measurements based on the baby's movements. So it looks like it hasn't increased any. He had his right hand over his face during the entire ultrasound. I don't know what the deal is with my kids and their hands near their faces, but let's hope he doesn't try to make his appearance like that.
The NST went well. His heart rate is good (at 133 beats per minute during the u/s) and he moves around JUST fine. I apparently had a good Braxton-Hicks contraction while they were monitoring me. I have them so frequently that I don't pay a lot of attention. The nurse asked if I was on any medication for contractions. I don't know if that will become an issue or not, but I'm sure hoping it doesn't.
While this certainly doesn't mean we're out of the woods, it is nice to see that the kidneys look better and the amniotic fluid issue hasn't gotten worse.
I'll go back Friday at 10:30 for another NST and keep you guys posted.
**** Oh, and I'm 29 weeks pregnant this week, not 28. Somehow I got confused along the way.
great to hear that things are looking up for you! i got great news today too! i was able to speak to my little girl that is being adopted. i havent talked to her in 6 months and her new mom let me talk to her for a few minutes! it was a truly blessed moment for me! :)
I'm sticking with your gut!
I'm giving my gut a little more credit, for today at least. That's great news, Christina!
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