Geez! I've been trying to upload new photos to this stupid thing since Tuesday night. I finally figured out that it just was not going to let me upload five photos at a time. I tried and tried and tried, though. Here are a few pictures from the past week or so, uploaded two or three at a time with love.

Christine and Camden are enjoying all sorts of new and fun activities while Landry naps.

These are finger paints, but he doesn't like the paint actually touching his "

Camden and his beer and popcorn.

Chill out people! It's only water.

Camden and his girls. We had the Millers over and learned that three kids will fit in the Learning Tower without collapsing it.

Landry quickly figured out what t-ball was all about. But it's not so much fun when Camden runs up swinging the bat while she's still holding the ball!

I found Landry in our bedroom laughing her rear off the other day. She and Miller were playing fetch.

My handsome boy!

Teething, maybe?

He hasn't quite figured out where the
batter's box is yet.

There is often quite a bit of congestion on the slide.

Pretty blue eyes. (Ignore the snot!)

Smelling the "showers".

And again.

Rubbing Daddy's back.
These are great! Love the pic of Landry eating the swing seat. What a great camera!! Such clear pics. Did Landry get a little haircut?
Man, your children have great hair and they're super cute too!!!
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